of Playing Dead.
The City always drove Death mad, but what could he do? It wasn’t like the reassignment was his choice. He grunted in irritation as he...

of Benny and Tina.
1. Beyond the city, past the countryside, and over rolling hills sat a clear, blue lake. And under the lake’s lapping waters, lived a...

of a 25th birthday.
I'm 25. A quarter of a century. Old enough to rent a car without paying for that extra insurance. Not old enough, yet, to feel...

of kindness, mindfulness, & awareness.
I believe, above all else, in human goodness. There have been some horrific stories in the news lately: states banning the right to...

of grief.
One of the main things that I've learned this year, my year abroad, is that grief is cross-cultural. A few weeks ago, one of my favorite...

of anxiety.
The first time I had an anxiety attack I was 16 years old. My best friend had just gotten her license, so a few of us piled into her car...

of a nurse, a lawyer, & magic.
This is an ode to friendship. My friendships and yours, too. As you could probably tell, I have been having a rough time of it lately....

of being homesick.
I never looked at homesickness as a privilege, but I've come to realize that it is. When I first moved to a new country, I was ready to...

of living in the Middle East.
Shalom, my friends. Today, I want to write about something serious. I need to say something. Sometimes, I forget where it is I live....

of 2017.
I have high hopes and big dreams (as always) for this coming year. I thought I would put them out into the ether. I want to travel more,...